Our donors
Those on the frontlines need access to the support, training and innovative tools that Videre provides
Our Donors
Videre is a registered charity and not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Videre is also deemed to be the equivalent of a US charity, as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Videre’s current Foreign Public Charity Equivalence Determination (ED) certificate is available via NGOsource.org.
We rely almost entirely on voluntary support to meet the costs of our activities, and the majority of our funding comes from grants provided by private trusts and foundations, governments, development organisations and individuals.
Our recent donors include:
We also appreciate the pro-bono provision of goods and services as ‘gifts-in-kind’, including from:
Ethical Fundraising Policy
To help guarantee the availability of ongoing funds to pay for our work, we aim to maintain a broad base of funding sources, and actively seek opportunities to work together with external organisations and individuals that share our aims and values. At the same time, it is vital that we maintain our independence and do not allow any external partnership to unduly influence our policies or actions, either explicitly or implicitly.
We appreciate all offers of support, however we also have a responsibility to all our stakeholders to consider the ethical implications and risks of working with, or accepting funding from, any state, organisation or individual. We therefore apply a vetting process to all proposed gifts to ensure that we do not take donations that might contradict or compromise our objectives, activities, or values. We reserve the right to refuse or return donations where we feel this might be the case, but in all instances, we will explain our reasons.
We consider accepting financial support from organisations and individuals on the following basis:
It is clear that such support will benefit Videre and our partners
The aims, values and activities of donors, as far as can be reasonably assessed, do not conflict with those of Videre
Videre is satisfied that association with donors will not: compromise our aims and values, or our independent status; result in adverse publicity or other reputational damage; lead to a decline in support, or in the resources available to fund our work; or damage our longer term fundraising prospects
It is not a requirement of financial support to advertise or promote any company or organisation.
We may accept anonymous individual, or trust, donations where there has been a rigorous third party due diligence process, to confirm that our ethical guidelines have been met. If a supporter makes themselves known to Videre but wishes their gift to remain anonymous, we will honour these wishes, again on the basis that our ethical guidelines have been met. The information we hold on our donors is regarded as confidential and is not shared with or sold to any third party.
All decisions to accept funding are ultimately made by the Senior Management Team and Executive Board on a case-by-case basis. We behave with integrity in all our fundraising, raising funds in accordance with our fundraising policy and ethical principles. We comply with all relevant UK laws and regulations, including those related to privacy, money laundering rules, sanctions requirements, and the UK Bribery Act. This policy is regularly reviewed to ensure we continue to meet all related laws and regulations, and are responsive to any emerging lessons in best practice.